Unlock the Future of Unrelated ATMPs – Exclusive Workshop
Join us for an exclusive workshop designed to equip you with the tools needed to request starting materials for allogeneic therapies.
Why Attend?
This workshop is tailored for cell and gene therapy developers, manufacturers, researchers, and transplant physicians seeking to acquire high quality starting materials and donor registries providing these products.
What You Will Learn:
Case studies from leading experts in the field
Practical strategies for integrating allogeneic cell and gene therapy into transplant programs
Event Details
📅 Date: March 30, 2025 from 1:00PM till 5:30PM
📍 Location: Forterza Da Basso Congress Venue, room #2
Scientific Programme
1:00 Welcome – Jay Feinberg, president of WMDA
Moving into the world of CAR-T – perspective from Bio-Pharma
1:10 Developing allogeneic, switchable CAR-T cell products – Marc Cartellieri (Avencell)
1:30 From the view of pharmaceutical versus the view of the donor registries – Carla Kreissig (Cellex) and Jay Feinberg (Gift of Life)
Moving into the world of CAR-T – perspective from Donor Registries
1:50 What are the differences between standard donor workup for transplant and pharma? – Richaele Nichiporenko (Gift of Life)
2:10 What differentiates registries from other starting material providers? – Tom Brenner (Stefan Morsch Stiftung)
2:30 Panel discussion moderated by Tom Brenner, Amy Ronneberg , and other speakers
For discussion: Challenges and opportunities, benefits of donors sourced from registries versus commercial providers, meeting both customer and registry needs.
3:00 Coffee Break
3:30 Round table Sessions
Goal: Registries to share the challenges they face as providers of starting material, opportunities, and experiences working in the field
Audience: Representatives from registries actively providing CGT starting material and those planning to enter the field
Format: Round table discussions followed by table presentations and group discussion led by facilitator.
Topics: WMDA standards for CGT, sharing challenges and proposed solutions, best practices, donor welfare, share experiences, handling custom requests and change management, donor availability (for transplant and for CGT starting material)