The 15th International Donor Registry Conference (IDRC) & WMDA Global Meetings 2025 is happening 19-22 May in beautiful Québec City, Canada. This year, we’re excited to organise a unique joint edition in collaboration with Héma-Québec Stem Cell Donor Registry and Cell Therapy Transplant Canada.
Highlights include:
- The Match-Connect Steering Committee: hosts an Early Adopters workshop to streamline communication flows in Match-Connect based on existing API endpoints.
- A three-hour workshop on donor selection for Search Coordinators.
- Cell and Gene Therapy: explore the future of CGT donor care, including updates to WMDA Standards and furthering the committee’s work on ethical principles.
- Standards Committee will continue their work on the changes to the next version of the WMDA Standards. The new version will incorporate requests for changes from WMDA membership, the protection of the donors donating for CGT and alignment with international regulations.
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➥ Find more on the WMDA Global Meetings via this link
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