Become a donor

Join a community of over 42 million donors

Life-threatening blood cancers and certain genetic disorders can be cured through blood stem cell, marrow, or cord blood transplantation. However, finding a suitable donor remains a challenge, particularly for patients from mixed-race or ethnic minorities, where suitable donors are lacking. Becoming a donor is straightforward and puts you among the millions already registered. Check your eligibility and find your local organisation using the tool below. You might be the life-saving donor a patient desperately hopes for!

A note before checking if you can become a donor: WMDA has recommendations and standards for donor suitability, which our members follow. Nonetheless, regulations may vary due to national legislation and policies. The tool helps you to assess if you meet the terms to sign up in your country. Unfortunately, not every country has a registry to sign up as a donor.  If your country is not listed in the pull down menu, it means there is no organisation there to sign up as a voluntary stem cell donor. If that’s the case and you want to read more about the work WMDA does to include more countries, continue reading here.

Donor form


Why become a donor?

Stem cell donation can be a life-saving gift for someone with blood cancer or a blood disorder, offering a second chance at life. Although there are already many donors, there is still a critical need, especially for patients from ethnic minorities or with mixed-race heritage, where suitable donors are lacking.

How to become a donor?

Becoming a donor is a simple and selfless act. Register with one of the donor organisations and, if eligible, you may be the match a patient needs. The donation process involves collecting stem cells from your bloodstream or pelvis. Donors between the ages of 18-60 are generally accepted, with weight criteria and health considerations. Check the map on our homepage to see if your country has a network for donor recruitment.


Bone Marrow Collection

The pelvic bone, housing the highest concentration of blood stem cells, is utilized for bone marrow donation. Cells collected from the cavity within the pelvic bone provide a rich source of essential stem cells for transplantation.


Peripheral Blood Stem Cells Collection

(collected from the blood stream)

Typically, the bloodstream carries only a limited number of stem cells. To enhance the availability of these crucial cells for transplantation, donors are administered growth factors, hormone-like substances, a few days before collection. This stimulation prompts the rapid growth and migration of blood stem cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream. The collection process involves harvesting peripheral blood and is conducted in adult donors.


Umbilical Cord Blood Collection

(collected from the placenta and umbilical cord)

Following the birth of a baby, the residual blood in the placenta and umbilical cord, known as cord blood, can be collected. This precious resource is then frozen and stored until needed for transplantation.

Safety of donation

At WMDA, safety is our top priority for both donors and patients. Bone marrow donation is a safe procedure, equivalent to the risks of general anesthesia. Minor side effects, such as nausea or bruising, are manageable with over-the-counter medication.

Peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) donation, a well-established and safe procedure, involves daily injections to increase stem cells. Serious complications are rare, occurring in less than 1% of donors. Donors’ health is monitored, and to date, there are no known long-term complications associated with the procedure.

Join our global movement and become a donor today to make a world of difference for someone in need.

For more information about the donation process or potential risks, please consult your healthcare provider or contact your local transplant center.