By supporting WMDA, you’re helping to give people a second chance of life.
Every 14 minutes, a person worldwide is diagnosed with blood cancer, facing a critical need for a stem cell transplant. The recent challenges have led to a significant shortfall in our resources, impacting our ability to ensure timely lifesaving transplants. Your Support Matters Now More Than Ever!
By supporting WMDA, you play a vital role in providing people with a second chance at life. Without your contribution, there is no cure.
Here’s How Your Support Can Make a Difference:
- Advocate for Change: Press governments to enact policies that make stem cell donation and transplantation safe, effective, affordable, and available.
- Educate Healthcare Providers: Equip future healthcare providers with knowledge about stem cell donation and guide them in finding the best suitable stem cell sources.
- Innovate Communication: Develop solutions to streamline communication between international organisations, ensuring a swift and efficient process.
- Accelerate Practices: Support organisational practices that expedite the provision of stem cells to patients, minimizing delays.
- Global Mobilization: Mobilize organisations worldwide, especially in developing countries, to establish efficient structures for donor recruitment.
- Raise Awareness: Join us in raising awareness about stem cell donation and supporting World Marrow Donor Day.