WMDA Supporter
As a supporter you:
- Receive our monthly newsletter Stem Cell Matters
- Contribute to WMDA’s cause to strive for a world where access to life-saving cellular therapies for all patients is assured and donors’ rights and safety are protected
- Might be able to deduct your membership from your taxes, because WMDA is recognised as a Dutch Public Benefit Foundation, registered as ANBI
*Your support is automatically renewed annually. You will receive an invoice for this in January. If you decide to end your support, you can ignore our invoice and we will terminate the annual renewal of your contribution.
For taking an extra step to save lives!
With your financial support the World Marrow Donor Association assists countries that are developing a transplantation program for patients in their country and/or are starting up a donor registry or donor center.
You can read how your contribution is spent in WMDA’s Finance & Activities Report.